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OhLive answers!

OhLive! with Beret V9.png

OhLive answers!

A few answers to a few questions!

Why are my parents so lazy!?


Ohlala! perhaps you need to train your mother and father to be less boring. They need to understand and you need to train them to realize that YOU are the most important being in the household. Barking frequently and unexpectedly will keep them moving. And if they move, you move and can go on more walks. Do you have a squeaky toy? Make it squeak! Your job is to keep them active, no time to sleep!

Why are my parents so lazy!?


Ohlala! perhaps you need to train your mother and father to be less boring. They need to understand and you need to train them to realize that YOU are the most important being in the household. Barking frequently and unexpectedly will keep them moving. And if they move, you move and can go on more walks. Do you have a squeaky toy? Make it squeak! Your job is to keep them active, no time to sleep!

My mother took me on a fun weekend in the desert but now is brushing me too much to get rid of stuff in my fur...How do I make her stop?


I suggest a very good technique. The bite-kiss! you take a little nibble and then cover her hand in kisses like you were kidding. If she tries it again. Do it again. And if she wont stop, start howling. This always works.

I have noticed dog parents acting funny when I talk to their dogs?


I've noticed that too! They don't seem to understand that barking is dog speak do they? We're not yelling, we're talking. Try wagging your tail very fast and see if that helps! You are lucky, I don't have a tail, so I need to bark alot.

My mother won't let me eat what I want...How do I change this?


I find that if I knock something over in the living room and then run to the kitchen to get to what Maman is cooking while she has run to the noise in the living room...sometimes it is a very tasty success!

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